Student Letter August 2023

Hello, everyone!

I can’t believe that it’s been more than two years since I started teaching at Atelier. I am always so excited to see my students every week and I love seeing the progress everyone has made with their confidence and art skills. You are all so wonderful! :)

For a long time, I’ve been planning some updates to policies and procedures at the art studio, and I feel that now is a good time to implement these changes. I hope that the updates will improve communication, enhance learning, and ensure that the studio is able to continue and grow for many years to come.

 You can visit the Studio Policies tab for the full list of Atelier’s official rules and policies, but here’s a summary of what’s changing, starting in September:


Atelier is switching to a semester schedule instead of a monthly one for classes and payments. All prices will be calculated based on the number of classes held, at a rate of $25/class. This change will allow the studio to close for holidays and other breaks. Atelier’s studio closures will loosely follow the Canyons School District calendar, with several deviations or additional closed dates. You can view the calendar information HERE.


All current class enrollment expires at the end of August, and all current students need to sign up for a fall semester class time on the website.

Atelier is now using an online service for student enrollment and payment. The system will manage payments automatically, and you may choose whether you pay in a lump sum at checkout, or in 4 installments throughout the semester, billed on the first weekday of each month.

Classes for Fall Semester will start September 1. Please register as soon as possible to ensure a spot!

To register for fall classes, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go to the semester classes page. (CLICK HERE)

  2. Choose the time slot that best fits your student’s age, interest, and schedule. (Please note that some current time slots may not be available in the fall)

  3. Follow the registration steps and make a payment to confirm your seat in the class.



With the new semester system and closures for holiday breaks, I hope that fewer make-up classes will be needed. Beginning this fall, all currently-enrolled students will be given the opportunity to attend a make-up class for a maximum of two (2) missed classes per semester. Make-up classes will be held periodically (generally on the last Saturday morning of the month, as well as one Friday afternoon each month), and upcoming make-up opportunities will be posted HERE and sent out via email. The previous system of make-up classes during other class times will no longer be available.


A new class is opening up! It’s called Art Basics, and it’s intended to help kids learn fundamental art skills and get comfortable with a variety of art supplies so they can feel successful in a studio class in the future. Art Basics is a shorter class, with significant instructional time and step-by-step guidance. I recommend this class to any new younger students who are still learning to draw, or to students who would like more structure and lessons. Currently I have slots available for a class of kids ages 6-10, and one open for older kids 10-14.

The open studio style (how classes currently run) is going to be changing a little bit. The first 15 minutes of each class will now be reserved for a short lesson. We’ll spend a few minutes learning a new art skill, discussing an artist or art style, watching a painting demonstration, or otherwise improving our understanding of art! After the lesson, we’ll get out our supplies and the rest of the class will be devoted to working on individual projects as usual.

Atelier is also going to be hosting several workshops and camps throughout the semester, including crafts workshops around Halloween and Christmas. Check the workshops page for these new opportunities!


To promote safe studio practices and to keep the studio from attracting insects or other pests, students will no longer be provided with a snack during class, and may no longer bring in food to eat while working on projects. All outside food must be finished and cleaned up before students will be allowed to use any art supplies.



I can’t keep an eye on students waiting before class or for pickup outside of the classroom, including along the wheelchair ramp outside the studio or by the door to the building. Parents may give permission (during the sign-up process, or in writing) to allow their child to wait outside of the classroom with the understanding that the area is NOT supervised. Without parent permission, students will be required to wait inside the classroom until 1) an comes into the building to pick them up, or 2) they receive confirmation of your arrival (i.e. seeing your car pull up, receiving a text message or call, etc). Older students, or those who bike, walk, drive, or take a bus home may leave as soon as class is dismissed.

OH! And please fill out the online form if you are ready to submit your piece to the Fall Art Show! You can find it HERE.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions about these updates!

Much love,

Jessica Parker